Ever wondered what commercials and photoshoots had been shot in the British Virgin Islands. Many things make the British Virgin Islands Famous. The British Virgin Islands are full of stunning views and crystal blue waters. So. it isn’t surprising that many commercials have been filmed here.

Commercials filmed in the BVIs include Corona, Victoria’s Secret, Gillette and more! 

Sandy Spit

One island in the BVIs that has seen its fair share of time in the spotlight is Sandy Spit. Sandy Spit, also is known as Corona Island, has been home to numerous amount of commercials. Made famous by the “Corona” commercials, Sandy Spit is a gorgeous island. The island is incredibly small and is one of the few islands you can completely walk around. And in only a few minutes! The small, but famous, Island is only accessible via private boat. So, here is a list of vessels that will take you there.

Jost Van Dyke

Another British Virgin Island that is annually in the celebrity spotlight is Jost Van Dyke. Every year, Foxy’s Bar on Jost Van Dyke throws a massive New Years’ Eve Party. And the party continues to grow in popularity. As the demand has grown, celebrities have begun to frequent the island.

Jost Van Dyke is consistently ranked in the Top 5 places to spend New Year’s Eve in the world! For an island that only has about 400 residents, that is pretty amazing! The island is also home to the famous Soggy Dollar Bar. A bar that is only accessible by boat. Jost is one of the most fun islands in the British Virgin Islands. And it is easy to spend a whole day, or two, on the island.

Virgin Gorda

Virgin Gorda is one of the most picturesque places in the world. This British Virgin Island is home to the famous “baths.” The natural rock formation attracts people from all over the world. The baths were the source of a recent Victoria’s Secret photo shoot. And the pictures are stunning. Virgin Gorda is one of the most photographed places on earth, and its natural beauty is breathtaking. For more information on Virgin Gorda, click here.

Virgin Gorda Baths Cathedral

Scrub Island

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition has just wrapped up shooting on this island and the Baths on Virgin Gorda.  The just-finished shoot will be Halel Kalil second time on the cover, and pictures have been circulating on Social Media from those in the islands recently.

Scrub Island is misnamed 🙂 Not much Scrub about it now with the beautiful Marriott and the marina onshore.

Years ago, the “at the time” owners of the island wanted to change the name to Paradise Island. Somehow they thought it sounded better than Scrub Island. They were not allowed. There have been many upgrades on the islands, centering on making the marina a destination spot. I LOVE sitting in the swimming pool at the Scrub Island resort.

Scrub Island Dream yacht Charters Base
British Virgin Islands, Scrub Island